Check out the ten most expensive restaurants in the world for the year 2007 as tallied by Forbes Magazine.
10. Boeucc in Milan, Italy - Dinner for one: $62 for Saffron Risotto.
9. Whampoa Club in Shanghai, China - Dinner for one: $63 drunken chicken and crispy beef strips with sun-dried orange peel.
8. El Amparo in Madrid, Spain - Dinner for one: $70 cold salmon with tomato sorbet and chocolate soufflé after main course.
7. Queue de Cheval Steak House in Montreal, Canada: Dinner for one: $85 for 24-ounce porterhouse,with a bottle of Californian or Australian wine from the well-stocked cellar and corned beef.
6. Sushi Kaji in Toronto, Canada - Dinner for one: $109 strawberry and watermelon soup, barbecued eel and pickled cucumber and fried fluke with spicy tomato sauce.
5. Alberto Ciarla in Rome, Italy - Dinner for one: $113 linguine with tuna fish and six kind of bread.
4. Acquarello in Munich, Italy - Dinner for one: $125 salmon with leeks and caviar.
3. Gordon Ramsay in London, England - Dinner for one: $183 pigeon with foie gras and Cornish lamb.
2. Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athénée in Paris, France - Dinner for one: $231 specially raised boneless chicken.
1. Aragawa in Tokyo, Japan - Dinner for one: $368 for just for a steak.