Are you looking for free Friendster layouts? How about free premade Friendster skins and Friendster codes for your Friendster profile?
Almost everyone who uses the Internet has Friendster account - from celebrity to politicians to elite to ordinary people. Friendster is an Internet social networking service as popular as MySpace. However, according to Nielsen Online, Friendster was considered the top online social network service until around April 2004 when it was overtaken by MySpace in terms of page views. Friendster currently has over 50 million users and is mostly used in Asia.
I am currently looking for the latest, coolest and hottest Friendster layouts available in the Internet. I will update this post once I'm done with my research. As of now, you can subscribe to my RSS feeds to get updated about the latest Friendster layouts, themes, and skins available online. You can enter your email address here and I will send any updates straight in your mailbox. Don't worry as it's FREE.