Okay, I am under a Virgo zodiac sign. A Virgo person is dedicated, devoted, nurturing, quiet, uninhibited, sacrificial, considerate, proud, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, objective, logical, meticulous, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent and analytical, industrious, loyal, efficient, thorough, methodical, exacting, precise, detail-oriented, shy, observant, critical, work- and service-oriented, painstaking, pragmatic, modest, discreet, health- and cleanliness-conscious, mentally active, and flexible, romantic.
The Virgo is prone to being overly-proud, fussy, nervous, pedantic, petty, self-conscious, harsh, paranoid, scared of being sick, aloof, calculating, hard edged, overly critical, judgmental, pretentious, snobby, timid, compulsive, folds under pressure, perfectionistic, stubborn, conservative, and overly romantic. (Source: Wikipedia.com)
Here's Virgo's Horoscope for the Year 2008:Virgo horoscope 2008 promises a year full of positive and exiting things for Virgo people. Dynamic success can be witnessed by the people born under this sign in the year ahead. The month of January would bring a rise in financial gains, which can be maintained for the entire year with little efforts. The only need remains to be wary of overspending. Social interaction and meeting of new acquaintances would rise till the month of November.
The month of September would see a considerable improvement in the marital affairs as per the horoscope 2008. New friendship as well as relationships can also be made during the July and September. It is advisable to avoid any kind of speculations during this year. (Source: 123NewYear.com)