The Bitchcruiser Bike NSFW : I was browsing blogs and websites awhile ago looking for something interesting when I stumbled at Gizmodo and found the photos below. This is a Bitchcruiser Bike NSFW auctioned at eBay last March 16, 2008 for $2,303.81. Can you believe that? Who wants to buy such "thing". How will people react seeing you riding a bicycle like that? Well, if your fantasy is riding around on the most tacky bicycles ever invented then I think you should have this bicycle. However, be sure to wear protection... just kidding. Too bad the auction is no longer available. That means you can no longer have this Bitchcruiser bike. What a name!?!
Here are some photos of the Bitchcruiser bike NSFW. More photos at Gizmodo, though.
Bitchcruiser Bike NSFW
Tags HumorFriendsterlayout and Friendster Skin
Tags Your Online GuideAre you looking for new Friendsterlayout for your Friendster account? How about Friendsterlayouts, Freindsterlayout, Freindter, Friensdter, Friend, Frindter, Freinster, Freindster Skins, Freindster layouts, Freindster themes, Freindster code, or change friendster layout? If you are looking for the above phrases, then be sure to double check your spelling. If you typed Friendsterlayout on your search engine, then you will possibly not find what you are exactly looking for. Because, again, you mistyped your keywords. If you mean "Friendster layout" or "Friendster layouts", ensure you spelled it right. For your search for "Friendster skin" or "Friendster skins", there should be spaces between them. Remember to be accurate for your search. If you mean "free friendster skin", then type it as is. Avoid using "Skin friendster" or "Friendster-lay out". For example, if you experiment typing "Friendster free layout" and "Free Freindster layout", you will given different results.
For a complete list of websites where you can download free Friendster layout and background, read my previous post by clicking Friendster layout.
Myspace Layouts and Free Myspace Layouts
Tags ServicesLooking for free Myspace layouts for your Myspace account? A friend asked me to share some websites where to download free Myspace background and codes. I researched online to find some useful sites and gladly I was able to discover some. So here is my post where I listed ten of my favorite websites where anyone can download cool Myspace layouts, backgrounds, Myspace codes, icons, premade Myspace layouts, widgets, countdown clocks, cursors, Myspace skins, addons, and other Myspace stuffs. If you want to customize your Myspace account, it's time to change the default Myspace layouts into hot skins, simple by adding Myspace layout HTML codes provided on the websites below.
Some of the hot Myspace layouts and most wanted cute Myspace layouts are skinny Myspace layouts, glitter graphics, girly Myspace layouts, Basketball myspace layouts, Myspace layouts dance, so cal Myspace layouts, christmas Myspace layouts, tokio hotel Myspace, christian Myspace layouts, emo Myspace layouts, Myspace flash layouts, and other free Myspace backgrounds and graphics.
Here is the list on where you could download layouts for Myspace (***Note: The author is not affiliated with these websites. Use them at your own discretion):
Want to know how to get on Myspace at school? On my future post I will guide you on how to unblock Myspace at school by using, Myspace unblocker, proxies, and Myspace tweaks. I will also provide list of Myspace proxy so you can access Myspace and other websites similar to Myspace anytime, anywhere. I will also provide guidelines on answering some of the frequently asked questions about Myspace like How to hide groups on Myspace, Where to add a background for myspace page, How do I decorate Myspace, and other.
Can't wait for my post? Too lazy to come back? Just subscribe to my RSS feed by entering your email address on the sidebar of this blog and I will send my posts in your mailbox for free. Don't worry, we don't send spam emails :D
Googol and Googel Instead of Google
Tags Your Online GuideWhat is a Googol? How about Googel? Ever heard of this words? Not yet? Googol and Googel are another commonly misspelled words by some people using the Internet, just like how some misspelled Yutube and vedio. I don't know if these words are only typographical errors... or maybe some people are not aware about the correct spelling of Google. Some even thought Google was Gogle, gobble, googles, gogle, gogol while some mistyped Google as googlr, goolge, googal, boogle, bogel, googgle, ggogle, gogol, gobble, oogle, and goggel.
I did some Google search using the word Googol, I found out that a it is a name of measurement coined by Milton Sirotta. How big is a Googol? A Googol is 1 followed by one hundred zeroes. That's how large a Googol is. Maybe when people search about Googol, they actually mean the number Googol, not the search engine Google. How Googol became Google? I don't know. I am not really sure.
If people are actually looking for Googol, why are they searching Googol Earth? Just a thought. I am sure there is a term called Google Earth, but never heard about Googol Earth. Not yet, for sure.
With regard to the misspelled word Googel where some people misplace "E" and "L", I think it is a matter of misspelling and unawareness of the correct spelling because I think there are also some people looking for Googel video,, Googel maps, Googel map, Googel images, even Googel Adsense. Whatever the reason is, I think everyone commits mistakes. In case you are looking for the search engine, type in your browser.
Free Friendster Layouts and Friendster Background
Tags ServicesAre you looking for the best Friendster, Friendster lay-out, Friendster background? How about Friendster skins, Friendster theme, or Friendster login? Remember my post about free Friendsterlayout, Frenster skins and Templates where I mentioned I will post an update to give some sites?
Now, I was able to find resources and websites where you can download your search for the following:
Friendster friendster login, friendster layout, friendster layouts, friendster background, friendster graphics, friendster free layout, anime layouts for friendster, friendster backgrounds, animated psycho wallpaper for friendster, friendster layout and background, mp3 codes for friendster, friendster skin, friendster tweaks, friendster anime layout, free friendster layouts, friendster graphic comments, friendster codes, friendster profile layouts, black and white friendster layouts, laura pinter friendster, and friendster free layout code.
Are you also looking for friendster heidi mendoza, friendster skins, gianne bianca friendster, hot girls friendster, unblock friendster, free friendster comments, friendster chiyoda, friendster comment, friendster crossover layouts, friendster emo layout, friendster logo, friendster michelle, friendster roselle, glitter friendster layout, hot sugar friendster, kimberly beebe friendster, latest friendster layout, more friendster lay-outs, animated friendster layouts, anime friendster layout, cute friendster layout, fan clothing friendster, friendster back grounds, friendster birthday comments, friendster flash testimonial, friendster lay-out, friendster log in.
How about Friendster overlay layouts, friendsters, girly friendster, animated hearts friendster layouts, background for friendster, camille friendster zamboanga, christmas friendster layouts, crossover friendster layouts, embed music player to friendster, free friendster layout, friendster claudia flores, friendster lay out, friendster lay outs, friendster layout codes, friendster overlay download, friendster patent, friendster picture comments, friendster private photos, friendster profile layout, friendster proxy, friendster robin, buy me a ticket to miami, arthur, friendster roselle, friendster windy, graphics friendster, hungry heart friendster layout, jason rabinowitz friendster, layouts for friendster li en friendster, loveruth friendster, mp3 for friendster, music codes for friendster.
If you are in search of the above phrases, here are some websites worth visiting where you can download free Friendster layout, Friendster skins, and Friendster templates. Use these websites at your own discretion :0
1. - The best collection of Friendster layouts around.
2. - The hottest resource site for Myspace layouts, Freindster layout, Myspace codes and so much more.
3. - Your ultimate source of the coolest Friendster layouts, hot graphics, codes and backgrounds.
4. - Your source of Friendster layout, cool Friendster comment layout, graphics, glitters, ringtones, and more.
5. - Provide free premium quality Friendster layouts for friendster profiles. The friendster layouts here are updated daily.
6. - Friendster Layouts, Friendster Comments, Friendster codes, Generators, and more.
7. - Source of free Friendster Layouts, Layouts For Friendster, Premade Friendster Layouts
8. - Truly the best Friendster Layouts and overlays anywhere. High quality, cute, free, premade layouts for Friendster.
9. - Friendster Layouts For Girls! Cute Friendster Layouts, Retro Friendster Layouts, Tiny/Skinny/Thin Friendster Layouts, Friendster Fashion Layouts, Friendster Icons Layouts, and more!!!
Free PSP Games Download
Tags Software and OSI know why you are here; you are looking for a website that offers free PSP game downloads or Nintendo DS Lite games download. A lot of people are really addicted with PSP, and this might be the reason why there are a lot of websites offering free downloads of PSP games. We cannot deny the fact that the Internet is the best source of free information such as games, music, movies, and others but the question is: Is there really a reputable website that provides FREE PSP downloads?
Finding the right website that offers free PSP game downloads is sometimes difficult because some websites don't keep their promise as being free. Some websites are even dangerous and illegal. You can actually download PSP games for free from illegal websites, but you have to remember those sites are still dangerous and illegitimate. If you can download PSP games for free at legal and reputable sites, then why not consider that choice?
Anyway, if you are looking for PSP Downloadable games or FREE PSP Games, here are two sites worth visiting are and However, note that the author of this blog is not affiliated with the sites mentioned below. They are shared based on experience, usage, and recommendations from friends. Use these sites at your own discretion :D
Vidios Vidio Vedio Vedios Vidoe Vidoes
Tags Your Online GuideVedio, Vedios, Vidio, Vidios, Vidoe and Vidoes are some of the most commonly misspelled words for VIDEO and VIDEOS. I don't know why a lot of people using search engines such as Google usually spell the word VIDEO as vedio, vedios, vidio, vidios, vidoe and vidoes. This is incorrect. If you are looking for Yutube Vedios, or Yotube Vedios, or any Vidio, or Vedio, the first thing you should do is to know the correct spelling of the word "video". It's V-I-D-E-O, not vidio or vedio. If you mean for plural term, it should be V-I-D-E-O-S, not vedios or vidios.
Try typing VIDEO in Google and I am sure you will find what you are exactly looking for. If you are specifically looking for Youtube videos, be sure to spell it correctly. It's Youtube not Utube or Yutube. Remember to be consistent so you will find the exact thing you are searching for.
I hope this post is a great help in your search for videos.
Peter Answers Or Peter Answer
Tags ServicesEver heard about Peter Answers? Not yet? Oh oh, you've missed the half of your life. Just kidding. Peter Answers was known as the soul search engine before, but later changed to a virtual tarrot site. Many was amazed and at the same time tricked by this website. The first time I heard about Peter Answers was when an officemate asked me to type in in my browser. I thought it was another related site we can use in our work, but to my amaze, it was a very interesting website. I thought it was a magical and incredible web application that can read your mind. Wow. Peter can answer any question beyond my imagination.
I am still wondering how Peter Answers work. Many people attest that Peter Answers cannot actually answer your question if the one who introduced it to you don’t know the answer to your very own question. How is that? What ever the magic behind Peter Answers, I think the author of the website is a genius. Anyway, check the said website and see for yourself. Remember, it is Peter Answers, not Peter Answer. Peter Answer is obviously grammatically incorrect :D
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Listen and Download Free and Legal Music Online
Tags Sites and ResourcesListening free online music is one of the favorite past-time of different people especially teenagers. If you are one of the lads who loves music, do you know the sites where you should listen music in a free and legal way? Here are some websites arranged in alphabetical order where you can download and stream music online for FREE. Note: Use these sites at your own discretion :D Free streaming online music. On-demand. Formerly called BlogMusik. Limited to 25 MP3 downloads during free trial period. There are about 2 million available song library. A great website for getting Free Music Downloads. Social network for sharing and discovering new music. Great place to discover new music and share your music library with your friends. Download free MP3s of new artists. Features free downloadable music from independent artists released under the Creative Commons. Feel free to tip the artists if you like their music. Streaming music recommendation service however some of their musics are not on-demand. It is a downloadable application where you could tag, share, manage, and discover new music. A free music download service from The Pirate Bay. No restrictions so far. Unlimited downloads and song plays with contextual ads. P2P-based client released, but limited download selection. MP3 search engine that lets you play music that you find in your browser. Listen to free streaming music. Create and share playlists. Free downloads with a 10 second advertisement inserted at the beginning of every track. Allows users to index MP3 links of music and podcasts on the Internet which other users can listen to for free.
Free Friendster Layout, Skins And Templates
Tags Sites and ResourcesAre you looking for free Friendster layouts? How about free premade Friendster skins and Friendster codes for your Friendster profile?
Almost everyone who uses the Internet has Friendster account - from celebrity to politicians to elite to ordinary people. Friendster is an Internet social networking service as popular as MySpace. However, according to Nielsen Online, Friendster was considered the top online social network service until around April 2004 when it was overtaken by MySpace in terms of page views. Friendster currently has over 50 million users and is mostly used in Asia.
I am currently looking for the latest, coolest and hottest Friendster layouts available in the Internet. I will update this post once I'm done with my research. As of now, you can subscribe to my RSS feeds to get updated about the latest Friendster layouts, themes, and skins available online. You can enter your email address here and I will send any updates straight in your mailbox. Don't worry as it's FREE.
The Latest Source Of Computer Viruses
Tags Software and OSJust like technology, a computer virus also evolving fast - from simple to a more complicated bug. In this case, do you know the latest source of computer viruses nowadays? Okay, most of us are familiar that viruses usually came from downloading files, videos, audios, and images from an unknown source or opening suspicious email attachments. But don't you know that your new electronic gadget attached on your computer might be the source of a computer virus?
According to CNN report, consumers run the risk of picking up a digital infection just by plugging a new gadget into their computers. Wow, can you imagine that? Just by simply attaching a new gadget in your computer, it will get infected. Based from the report, Chinese factories, where many companies have turned to keep prices low, are mostly the source. You can read the full details of the story by visiting the said website.
Sometimes, I wonder why some people develop virus. Does this action make them happy? Or is it because they only want to play evil?
So before you attach a new electronic gadget on your desktop or laptop, update your anti-virus software and run a full system scan first. This way, you will get alerted if a computer virus is trying to hack your computer and steal your critical information. Better prepared than sorry later ;D
Free Music Streaming Websites
Tags Sites and ResourcesNowadays, millions and millions of people are into music streaming. Music Streaming lets you listen to all your or friends music instantly from anywhere via a web browser for free. If you type the words "Free Music Streaming" in Google or any other search engines, you will find a lot of different websites offering free music streaming.
Listed below are some websites offering free music streaming, free lyrics and streaming, free mp3 codes and a whole lot more about free streaming stuff.
1. - Known as the world’s number one free music streaming and lyrics website. With Napster Free, you can listen millions of full-length songs for free, in streaming audio over the Internet. They have all American lyrics that you need, in all genres from hip-hop, Indie, soul, acoustic, jazz, hard rock, blues, and much more. You name it, they have it.
2. - If Napster is the best free music streaming websites, then JukeBoxPlus is one of the best. It is a user-friendly and always updated website offering free lyrics and streaming.
3. - It is one of the pioneers in free music streaming and lyrics industry offering the latest and up-to-date music and lyrics database.
4. - A free up-to-date music search engine where you can enter the name of the music you want to listen and instantly get results.
5. - Offers thousands of free songs, albums, exclusive interviews and more for free MP3 download and free audio stream from popular mainstream artists .
World's Most Expensive Computer Mouse
Tags ComputersEver heard about the world's most expensive mouse? I am not talking a mouse as in rat... what I mean is a computer mouse that you usually use to scroll and click while doing a task in front of your computer. Anyway, while site hopping awhile ago, I incidentally came across a site with a post regarding the most expensive computer mouse. Ithought you might get interested thus I shared it here.
Do you want to know the exact price? It's £12,400.00 or $24,180.00 US dollars. Wow, right?
The said mouse, which image you can see on the left side of this post, is priceless because it is an 18 carat white gold with 59 brilliant cut diamonds. It is indeed the world's most expensive computer mouse, cast from 18 carat white gold and set with 59 brilliant cut diamonds!!!
The said mouse came into three different colors as seen below. Choose from yellow, red or white gold with white or black trim. Each mouse is made to order and you will need to allow up to 3 weeks for delivery.

I think if you buy such mouse, you can't help but to keep it inside your vault... and give it to your great grand daughter in the future ;D But if you think this is an ideal gift for your computer geek friend or family, then go for it. Be sure to carefully wrap it and label it with "Fragile".
Virgo Horoscope 2008
Tags MiscellaneousOkay, I am under a Virgo zodiac sign. A Virgo person is dedicated, devoted, nurturing, quiet, uninhibited, sacrificial, considerate, proud, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, objective, logical, meticulous, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent and analytical, industrious, loyal, efficient, thorough, methodical, exacting, precise, detail-oriented, shy, observant, critical, work- and service-oriented, painstaking, pragmatic, modest, discreet, health- and cleanliness-conscious, mentally active, and flexible, romantic.
The Virgo is prone to being overly-proud, fussy, nervous, pedantic, petty, self-conscious, harsh, paranoid, scared of being sick, aloof, calculating, hard edged, overly critical, judgmental, pretentious, snobby, timid, compulsive, folds under pressure, perfectionistic, stubborn, conservative, and overly romantic. (Source:
Here's Virgo's Horoscope for the Year 2008:Virgo horoscope 2008 promises a year full of positive and exiting things for Virgo people. Dynamic success can be witnessed by the people born under this sign in the year ahead. The month of January would bring a rise in financial gains, which can be maintained for the entire year with little efforts. The only need remains to be wary of overspending. Social interaction and meeting of new acquaintances would rise till the month of November.
The month of September would see a considerable improvement in the marital affairs as per the horoscope 2008. New friendship as well as relationships can also be made during the July and September. It is advisable to avoid any kind of speculations during this year. (Source:
Is Xpango Scam or Genuine?
Tags Sites and ResourcesMany people in the blogosphere nagged that Xpango is scam, while there are still some who claimed it is genuine. Is Xpango really a scam or legit?
First, what is Xpango? Xpango is another new freebie website based in the UK where you can receive great prices like the latest mobile phones, gaming consoles, and MP3 players. Registration is free and open to international members.
To win a price you have to gain points, and to gain points you have to complete offers and refer other members to join and do some offers too. Gaining credits on Xpango is kinda hard, as people you refer need to participate on the website and also complete offers too. The more you refer and the most offers they complete, you more credits you will gain. Most of the offers are also available to members residing in the US or UK, yet still some offers are available worldwide. If you reside in US or UK then probably you get more chance of completing more offers.

Look What You Can Do With Photo Editing
Tags Sites and ResourcesPhoto editing is widely used nowadays. A lot of tools are available to edit images like Photoshop. With Photoshop, you can modify your picture and make your face prettier - you can even swap you face to a sexy body and make it as your own body. Cool right? I use Photoshop to edit some of my photos like removing some smears or changing the background. In short, anyone can do lot of things with photo editing tools. I haven't mastered Photoshop yet but I want to be a pro with it. Right now, I only know the basics of using the said tool.
Speaking of photo editing, just recently, I saw these photos in some of the websites I've visited. The real score is to tell which among of these photos is fake - or should I say edited. Let's see...

The World's Biggest Lobster

The World's Biggest Cat

The World's Biggest Catfish
Looks like they are all fake to me. But if I have to choose only one, I would go for the world's biggest cat because it seems edited. The old man looks like he is not actually holding a BIG cat.
Blogger Is Nominated On 2008 Webware Award
Tags Sites and ResourcesOur beloved Blogger is currently being nominated as one of The Best Web 2.0 Application on 2008 Webware Award. It's time to return the favor to our favorite blogging platform Blogger and make it the winner for the Blogger Webware Award.
Webware Award is a yearly awards event where people around the world vote for their favorite Web 2.0 application. Last year, Blogger took the pride of winning the Publishing Category. Now Blogger has been nominated for Publishing and Photography Category.
This year's ten categories include the following.
Audio: Music, podcasts, audiobooks.
Browsing: Browsers, start pages, RSS readers, widgets, runtime engines.
Commerce and events: Retail, auctions, travel, real estate, concerts, conferences.
Communications: E-mail, chat, voice.
Productivity: App suites, to-do lists, groupware.
Publishing and photography: Blogging, content management, photo sites.
Search and Reference: Search engines, encyclopedias, mapping.
Social: Social networking, family sites, recommendations, online worlds, contests.
Utility and Security: Infrastructure providers, storage, online protection.
Video: Video storage, playback, streaming, editing, and animation.
Voting will run until March 31 and the winners will be announced on April 21. Cast your vote now, click here. Anyway, it's free. Time to give back, vote for Blogger!!!
Beware of Spam Emails, These Are Thieves
Tags ComputersWho doesn't hate spam emails? Isn't it irritating when you receive an email from someone you don't personally know? What if you receive an email titled "You have one message from your secret admirer"... Duh?!? Who cares... How could an admirer know my email address? I haven't posted it somewhere. You're nothing but spam!!!
Most spam emails are nothing but phishing emails, so you have to watch out for it. Phishing emails will steal your personal information. Had you received an email titled "Paypal Alert: Update Your Personal Information Now"? If not yet, then you are lucky. But if time comes you will receive it, ignore this message. It is nothing but a phishing email. It will steal your Paypal's personal identification. Worst, your money. If you really need to update your Paypal information, you will have to do it in Paypal's website. Usually Paypal does not send emails like that... so just ignore it.
Another example of spam email is titled "Congratulations... you won a new laptop! Claim it now"... How can I win a new laptop if I never joined any contest? Again, duh!!!
I really hate spam emails... do you? Here are some tips on how to deal with spam emails.
10 Most Downloaded MP3 In The Internet
Tags Top 10 CountdownA lot of people are downloading MP3 in the Internet, aside from it's free it is also fast. Here's the list of the ten most downloaded MP3s in the Internet. Check them out: (I will post more details about each MP3 and videos on my next posts.)Free MP3 Download:
* T-Pain feat. Flo Rida "Low"
* Sean Kingston "Take You There"
* Britney Spears "Piece Of Me"
* Alicia keys "No One"
* Jordin Sparks "Just Like A Tattoo"
* Taylor Swift "Teardrops On My Guitar"
* Colbie Caillat "Bubbly"
* Taylor Swift "Our Song"
* Akon feat. Wyclef Jean "Sweetest Girl"
* One Republic Timbaland "Apologize"
YouTube Not Utube, Yutube Or Redtube
Tags Sites and ResourcesIt's not Utube, Yutube or Redtube.
I was a bit shocked knowing that YouTube was commonly mis-spelled as Utube, Yutube or sometimes RedTube. Well, to tell you the correct spelling of YouTube is Y-O-U-T-U-B-E.
YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. Unregistered users can watch most videos on the site, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos. Some videos are available only to users of age 18 or older (e.g. videos containing potentially offensive content). The uploading of pornography is prohibited. Related videos, determined by title and tags, appear onscreen to the right of a given video.
YouTube's immense success has unintentionally affected the business of an American company, Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corp., whose website,, was frequently overloaded and shut down by extremely high numbers of visitors unsure about the spelling of YouTube's domain name, but now is up and running again. At the beginning of November 2006, Universal Tube filed suit in federal court against YouTube, requesting that the domain be transferred to them. (Source: